The results of Longyuan "Open Mai" competition are released! TALK KING

      Time : 2022-11-07

      Last Friday, the final of Longyuan's "Open Mai" competition was successfully concluded at the group headquarters.tenAround work, life, hot topics and other topics, contestants gave one wonderful speech after another to all judges and audience.

      List of winners


      Ge& nbsp;exceed  Longyuanmingcheng

      "A sheep has a sheep"

      second award

      Wang& nbsp; Stamen & nbsp;& nbsp; Feike Project Department& nbsp;& nbsp; My Blind Date Report Performance

      You Yuqin  & nbsp;Time Impression Garden Project Department Ignite Youth Bloom Yourself

      third award

      黃 & nbsp;wear  & nbsp;Long Yuanshenghong & nbsp;《淺談工地安全》

      Lv Yanna  & nbsp;Hangzhou Urban Investment&Construction Co., Ltd & nbsp;《請別向生活低頭》

      Ma Yanting  & nbsp;Long Yuanmingxing  About Lying Flat

      Winner Award

      Zhang Zhiai  & nbsp;Hainan Branch & nbsp;"Investing in the Ordinary Let dreams sail

      Zheng Yuheng  & nbsp;Geodetic steel structure & nbsp;《職場氛圍初體驗(yàn)》

      Jiang Guofeng  & nbsp;Zhejiang Branch & nbsp;《我的一周》

      徐 & nbsp;red  & nbsp;Guangdong Company & nbsp;《施工企業(yè)的商務(wù)管理》


      Bursting stems do not stop Lots of fun on site

      At the finals,tenThe contestants were full of witticisms, and they were full of frustrations. They not only said that "materials have three characteristics: incombustible, combustible, spontaneous combustion, and so do people", but also understood that "youth is not equal to young age, but also a psychological state", and also expressed some feelings about their work, "the field experience of migrant workers is more than the happy tea we have drunk", What's more, the definition of small probability events "if small probability events should not be done, then what are you doing in the stock market?" makes the audience sometimes think deeply and laugh, fully demonstrating the active and open thinking and unique thinking perspective of the young people of Longyuan.

      After the competition, many contestants said that they were very happy to show themselves in such an activity. Although they were very nervous, the atmosphere at the final was warm and energetic, which made people involuntarily begin to enjoy such a stage.

      You Yuqin:我第一次來到集團(tuán)總部,沒想到是以參賽選手的身份。主辦方給我們很多幫助,為我們考慮了很多,比賽現(xiàn)場布置的也很棒,讓我更放松地投入比賽了。

      Lv Yanna:主辦方的辛勤勞動,對待每一位選手的認(rèn)真,讓我為了不辜負(fù)這份重視,在準(zhǔn)備的時候也更加投入。


      △ From left to right: Liu Danfeng, Shi Yongqing, Wang Dehua, Wang Ping, Hong Xianxing

      The professional judges highly recognized this competition. Hong Xianxing said that the form of this competition was novel and gave everyone a very different feeling. Wang Ping commented on each contestant's performance one by one in humorous language, saying that each contestant has different characteristics and is impressive. Shi Yongqing and Liu Danfeng said in their post match comments that the Longyuan "Open Mai" keynote speech contest broke their conventional impression of the speech contest and gave them many surprises and surprises.

      Offline+on-line & nbsp;選手、評審多渠道

       本次龍?jiān)搁_放麥」決賽開放了Offline、on-line參與渠道,在tenOf the finalistssevenThree contestants came to the group headquarters to participate in the competition,threeBecause of the impact of the COVID-1nine and work reasons, Ming took part in the competition by connecting. Contested at the headquartersseven位選手早早到達(dá)會場做準(zhǔn)備,并在彩排時互相鼓勵,互相幫助,讓大家感受到了龍?jiān)嗄陚兊挠褠蹐F(tuán)結(jié)。在on-line參賽的threeThe contestants also actively cooperated with the equipment debugging to ensure the best speech effect.

      In order to enable more young people of Longyuan to participate in the activities, the final of the "Open Mai" competition was not only held byfive位專業(yè)評審打分外,還面向全集團(tuán)開放on-line、Offline共three0All the contestants will be scored by voting at the public judging seats. After the registration channel was opened, the young people of Longyuan were enthusiastic,three0The number of places was quickly sold out. On the day of the final,eighteenOn site public review andtwelve名on-line大眾評審認(rèn)真聆聽每一位選手的演說,親手選出了受到青年人認(rèn)可的“TALK KING”。

      Open Wheat; Unlimited youth

       This Longyuan "Open Maid" theme activity is the first speech activity planned by the Group, which aims to improve the professional accomplishment and comprehensive quality of the employees of the Group, and encourage more young employees to show their own style and show their responsibilities. fromnineThe launch of the activity at the beginning of the month attracted the attention of the majority of Longyuan youth. And2fiveContestants signed up to participate in the preliminary competition, covering the ageeightyAfternine0After00The last three age groups, among whichnine0The latter accounts for more than half.

      Activity toThe name "open" means that there is no limit to the theme and content of everyone, and the young people of Longyuan will choose, play and speak freely to show their true side. FinalizedtenThe contestants are excellent representatives selected from the opinions of many preliminary judges. Facts have proved that their performance in the final scene has also been unanimously praised by all the audience present.

      Wang Dehua, vice president of the Group and general manager of the construction sector, said in his speech after the competition that such an open, popular and highly participated competition was unprecedented, which was a new start of Longyuan's corporate cultural activities. He hoped that the Group could organize more activities popular with young people and build a platform for them. He also hoped that more Longyuan young people could actively participate in corporate cultural activities, express themselves and show their style.

      It has always been one of the important tasks of Longyuan Group to help young employees grow and become talents rapidly. The Group will continue to be committed to creating an uplifting corporate culture atmosphere, constantly improving youth participation, sense of gain, and sense of happiness, and encouraging young people to devote themselves to their work with more full enthusiasm and better spirit!
